Page 2 - ISES SWC50
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            Undertaking the planning of any conference takes the commitment of many individuals and SWC50-The
            Century of Solar has been no exception. The people listed below have all provided their time, skills and
            knowledge in the development of this booklet, the virtual museum and the virtual conference held on 3
            and 4  December 2020. Without them this celebration will not be the success that we know it will be. As
            chairperson of the committee I thank them all very much and appreciate their contributions.
            Planning for SWC50 commenced in 2018 with the formation of the international organising committee:
            Arabella Liehr
            Jenny McIntosh
            Paulette Middleton
            Fred Morse
            Monica Oliphant
            Dave Renné
            Geoff Stapleton
            Eicke Weber
            In early 2020 Lawrence Kazmerski and Bernard McNelis were invited to join the committee to assist in planning
            the museum.

            Originally the conference was to be held in Melbourne. Although the conference went virtual in March 2020,
            we still relied on important advice from the local committee:
            Steve Blume
            Geoff Bragg
            Brian England
            Renate Egan
            Jenniy Gregory
            Ken Guthrie
            Linda Koschier
            Monica Oliphant
            Kathleen Ryan
            Geoff Stapleton

            In addition to the international committee, these people assisted in the development of the highlights in history
            of ISES and the different solar technology applications.

            Jenniy Gregory,

            John Perlin

            Solar Thermal
            Ken Guthrie, Bill Beckman , Leon Bogers, Dean Clift, , Vasiliki Drosou, Jan-Olof Dalenbäck, Pedro Diaz, Alan
            Law, Graham Morrison, Daniel Mugnier, Karen Surridge, Drosou He Tao , Klaus Vajen and Werner Weiss

            Luis Crespo, Belen Gallego, David Kearney, Greg Kolb, Terry Peterson, Hank Price

            John Perlin, Maria Wall

                                                                   ISES SWC50 - The Century of Solar-Stories and Visions  |  I
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