Page 15 - ISES SWC50
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KUL            Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
            kVA            Kilo Volt Ampere
            kW             Kilo Watts
            kWh            Kilo Watt Hour
            kW p           Kilo Watts Peak
            LED            Light Emitting Diode
            mc-Si          Multi-Crystalline Silicon
            MIT            Massachusetts Institute of Technology
            mW             Milli Watt
            MW             Mega Watt
            MW             Mega Watts Peak
            MW             Mega Watts Thermal
            NAPS           Neste Advanced Power systems
            NASA           National Aeronautics and Space Administration
            NGO            Non-Governmental Organization
            NPAC           Newcastle Photovoltaics Applications Centre
            NREL           National Renewable Energy Laboratory
            NUS            The National University of Singapore
            PERC           Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell
            PLEA           Passive and Low Energy Architecture
            PROMEC         Power and Communications Sectors Modernization and Rural Services Project
            PSA            Plataforma Solar de Almería
            PURPA          Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act
            PV             Photovoltaics
            PVPS           Photovoltaic Power Systems
            PVMTI          PV Market Transformation Initiative
            R&D            Research and Development
            RCA            Radio Corporation of America
            REEP           Renewable Energy and Efficiency Partnership
            RESCO          Renewable Energy Service Company
            RTC            Renewable Transformation Challenge
            RV             Recreational Vehicle
            sc-Si          Single Crystalline Silicon
            SDE            School of Design and Environment
            SDG7           Sustainable Development Goal 7
            SEC            Solar Energy Company
            SEDA           Sustainable Energy Development Authority
            SEEDS          Sarvodaya Economic Enterprise Development Services
            SEforALL       Sustainable Energy for All initiative
            SEGS           Solar Electric Generating Stations
            SELCO          Solar Electric Light Company
            SELF           Solar Electric Light Fund
            SEREPRO        Seminar on Rural Energy Provision in Africa
            SERI           Solar Energy Research Institute
            SES            Solar Energy Society
            SHC            Solar Heating and Cooling
            SHS            Solar Home Systems
            SPREE          School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering
            SMUD           Sacramento Municipal Utility District
            SRI            Stanford Research Institute
            STI            Solar Technology International
            SWC            Solar World Congress
            TES            Thermal Energy Storage
            UAE            United Arab Emirates
            UK             United Kingdom
            UNCED          United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
            UNDP           United Nations Development Programme

            XIV  |  ISES SWC50 - The Century of Solar-Stories and Visions
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